Settled for the Evening


Oil On Canvas

Framed in white , approximately 65× 65 cm

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Oil On Canvas

Framed in white , approximately 65× 65 cm

Oil On Canvas

Framed in white , approximately 65× 65 cm

The story behind this one. Mother Natures cloaks us in the warmth of the evening light- settled for the evening.

I was fortunate enough to get a week on a sailing art residency last summer. We were sailing in the area of the Small Isles - Muck, Canna, Rhum , Skye and Eigg.

We left Canna and headed for Muck, our evening anchorage was in a small bay nestled in the shelter of Muck . It was a quiet, calm night and we were treated to a beautiful sky. To watch the colours emerge in both the sky and the surface of the sea was a real treat.

I felt incredibly lucky and content soaking up the colours. My memories were filed away ready to reemerge months later in this painting . I hope it evokes a sense of calm and a sense of wonder at Mother Nature. I am always in awe of Nature.

The Wind and Weather
Swathes of Colour , Rhum
A Tot of Rhum
Fleeting Colours, Beautiful light
Farewell Canna